1. Pregunta
Whose responsibility is it to train the telehandler operator?
It is the employer
It is the Labour Inspectorate
It is the worker
2. Pregunta
In the event of an accident at work...
The injured person must be transported immediately by any available machinery.
We will need to call an ambulance.
We will look for a partner, to take him to the nearest hospital.
3. Pregunta
The telehandler can be driven from the cab with personnel on the platform:
None of the above
Yes, in emergency situations
4. Pregunta
In the event of a storm threat, can we operate the Telescopic Handler?
5. Pregunta
Who is responsible for Telehandler maintenance?
Labour Inspection
6. Pregunta
Among the following rules of operation and use, please tick the appropriate answer:
Keep the platform surface clean
Do not get on or off the platform if the machine is not fully lowered and closed and the platform is not resting on the ground.
All are correct
Persons under load must not be allowed to circulate.
7. Pregunta
The machine can be driven in neutral when:
For very short journeys
All are correct
Never drive in neutral
The slope of the land is less than 1%.
8. Pregunta
Hearing aids should be worn when the sound level is higher than:
80 Decibels
100 Decibels
9. Pregunta
If you are working in the basket and the machine tips over, you must:
Lie on the floor of the basket with your feet in the direction of the fall and hold on to the lowest crossbar.
None of the above is correct
Stay in the basket and hold on to the highest rail.
Release the harness and jump out of the basket, as the fall is very slow.
10. Pregunta
In the work area, is it important to maintain the cleanliness of the areas?
Maintenance will be the responsibility of the cleaning services
Yes, it is necessary to maintain a good state of cleanliness of the areas.
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